Copper Plate
All of the prints are made from a 4inx5in copper plate. Harmony I and Harmony II are created by doing hard ground etching. Borderless was created using soft ground etching by rolling BIG over a teabag's string and aluminum foil. Spring is monotype by painting acrylic on the plate. Lastly, Unplanned was created by doing a coffee lift print. I have always loved printmaking and being physically a part of the whole process of creating a piece. Using copper plates have transitioned my love for printmaking to having prints in my graphic design work. The details in the lines, the boldness or softness of the ink, they all tell a story. The story is then presented into my graphic design work for branding.

Harmony I, 1/6, 2019

Harmony I, 2/6, 2019

Harmony I, 3/6, 2019

Harmony II, 1/3, 2019

Harmony II, 2/3, 2019

Borderless, 1/5, 2019

Borderless, 2/5, 2019

Spring, 1/1, 2019

Unplanned, 1/7, 2019

Unplanned, 2/7, 2019

Unplanned, 3/7, 2019